Sunday, January 3, 2016

Dynamics (Relative Motion Projectile Motion Newton's Laws Of Motion) Cheatsheet

Relative Motion: Velocity of the moving objects with respect to another moving or stationary object is called “relative velocity” and this motion is called “relative motion”. 

We use following equation to find relative velocity of the objects;

Projectile Motion: We can say that motion in two dimensions or motion under the effect of the gravitational force is called projectile motion. We can use the equations of motion given in the kinematics here. We change the acceleration with gravitational acceleration. This motion can be analyzed under two title.
Horizontal Motion: We find velocity and distance with the formula;
Vertical Motion: We find velocity and distance with the formula;
V=Vit+gt where acceleration is -9,8m/s² and Vi=initial velocity
Newton’s First Law of Motion: If an object is at rest it continuous to be at rest and if it is moving it continuous to move unless a nonzero force is applied on it.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Applied non-zero force (net force) on an object gives it acceleration.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion: In this law Newton states that when we apply a force on something then it also applies force on us in the same magnitude but opposite in direction.
What change the state of an object is called “force”. We mean by saying state, shape or position of the object.
Normal Force: Contact objects exert force to each other because of their weights. These forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

F normal=mg=weight of the book

Friction Force: Friction force results from the interactions of surfaces. Irregularities in the structure of the matters cause friction force. The friction force is always opposite to the direction of motion.
We can calculate the friction force by the formula given above;
Where; µ is the coefficient of friction and F-norm is the normal force acting on the surface.


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